Powder filling (Ex q / EEx q)

Table of Contents

The explosion protection concept powder filling is used in applications such as capacitors and ballast units in Increased Safety Ex ‘deq’ lighting fittings, and in telecommunicators equipment.

Standards #

Current constructional standards 
IEC 60079-5: 2007 BS EN 60079-5: 2007Explosive Atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment Protection by Powder filling ‘q’
Older standards 
BS EN 50017: 1998Powder filling ‘q’
BS 5501-2: 1977Powder filling ‘q’
Codes of Practice 
BS 5354: Part 9: 1979 (Withdrawn)Installation and maintenance requirements for electrical equipment with type of protection ‘q’ sand filled equipment

Note: Since BS EN60079-14 and BS EN60079-17 do not provide selection, installation, inspection and maintenance requirements for powder filled equipment, in the UK BS 5345: Part 9 remains the only reference for guidance in these areas for the present

Definition #

‘A type protection in which the parts capable of igniting an explosive gas atmosphere are fixed in position and completely surrounded by a filling material to prevent the ignition of an external explosive atmosphere.’

Zone of Use: 1 & 2

powder filling ex q / exx q