Inspection #

When inspecting Ex I installations, pay particular attention to the following points:-

  • The components of the installation must be certified I.S., unless identified as ‘Simple’ in the documentation/specifications
  • All equipment must be as specified and included in the documentation, and be suitable for the location area classification and environment
  • Connection facilities (including junction boxes) must be clearly identified or labelled to shoe that the circuits are intrinsically safe.
  • I.S. cables must be identified by colour (light blue) or labelling (unless they are armoured or have metallic sheath)
  • I.S. and non-I.S. cables must be adequately separated (unless either are armoured or have metallic sheath
  • Cable glands must be correct for the enclosure they enter.
  • Check the earthing of cable screens – they must be earthed at one point only as shown in the documentation (usually at the I.S earth bar)
  • Check that I.S. earth is separate from, and not connected to, protective earth, enclosure metal work etc.
  • Unused cable cores must be insulated from earth and one another using separate terminals at both ends (or one end may be connected to the same earth point as the IS circuits)
  • I.S. and non-I.S. circuits must be separated inside enclosures.

I.S. and non-I.S. terminals must have 50mm minimum clearance. Separation also applies to I.S. and non-I.S. wiring and cores from I.S. and non-I.S. cables.


  • Safety barrier earth connection shall not be removed before disconnecting the hazardous area circuits except where duplicate earth connections are provided.
  • If an I.S. circuit has both Ex ‘ia’ & Ex ‘ib’ equipment installed in the same loop, the overall level of protection of the loop will be Ex ‘ib’.
  • On handover of a newly installed IS system, no faults are permissible.
  • Point-to-point connections check is only required at the initial inspection.

IEC 60079-17: 2013 #

Table 2: Inspection Schedule for Ex ‘I’ Installations (D=detailed, C=Close, V=Visual)

Check that:X = requiredGradeofInspection
1Circuit and/or equipment documentation is appropriate to area classificationXXX
2Equipment installed is that specified in the documentationXX 
3Circuit and/or equipment category and group correctXX 
4IP rating of equipment is appropriate to the group III material presentXX 
5Equipment temperature class is correctXX 
6Ambient temperature range of the apparatus is correct for the installationXX 
7Service temperature range of the apparatus is correct for the installationXX 
8Installation is clearly labelledXX 
9Enclosure, glass parts and glass-to-metal sealing gaskets and/or compounds are satisfactoryXX 
10Cable glands and blanking elements are the correct type, complete and tight – physical and visual checkXXX
11There are no unauthorised modificationsX  
12There is no evidence of unauthorised modifications XX
13Diode safety barriers, galvanic isolators, relays and other energy limiting devices are of the approved type, installed in accordance with the certification requirements and securely earthed where requiredXXX
14Conditions of enclosure gaskets is satisfactoryX  
15Electrical connections are tightX  
16Printed circuit boards are clean and undamagedX  
17The maximum voltage Um of the associated apparatus is not exceededXX 
1Cables are installed in accordance with the documentationX  
2Cables screens are earthed in accordance with the documentationX  
3There is no obvious damage to cablesXXx
4Sealing of trunking, ducts, pipes and/or conduits is satisfactoryXXX
5Point-to-point connections are all correct (initial inspection only)X  
6Earth continuity is satisfactory (e.g. connections are tight and conductors are of sufficient cross-section) for non-galvanically isolated circuitsX  
7Earth connections maintain the integrity of the type of protectionXXX
8The intrinsically safe circuit earthing is satisfactoryX  
9Insulation resistance is satisfactoryX  
10Separation is maintained between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits in common distribution boxes or relay cubiclesX  
11Short-circuit protection of the power supply is in accordance with the documentationX  
12Special conditions of use (if applicable) are complied withX  
13Cables not in use correctly terminatedX  
1Equipment is adequately protected against corrosion, weather, vibration and other adverse factorsXXX
2No undue accumulation of dust and dirtXXX

IEC 60079-17 Table 2 (Explained) #

Part A : Equipment #

IEC No.GradesCheck That:Explanatory Note
A.1D,C,VCircuit and/or equipment documentation is appropriate to the EPL/zone requirements of the location.Using the Area Classification of the plant and the hook-up drawings, check that the equipment is suitable for the EPL/zone where installed.
A.2D,CEquipment installed is that specified in documentationUsing the material specification check for the type, make and certification details
A.3D,CCircuit and/or equipment level of protection and group correctGroup II equipment installations should be checked to ensure that the classification is correct for the gas subdivision in the area of use
A.4D,CIP rating of equipment is appropriate to the group III material present (DUSTS)IP rating shall be appropriate for the Group IIIA, IIIB or IIIC with level of protection “ta”, “tb”, or “tc”
A.5D,CEquipment temperature class is correctCheck that the equipment temperature classification as given on rating plate is appropriate to the applicable gases.
A.6D,CAmbient temperature range of the apparatus is correct for the installationTemperature
A.7D,CService temperature range of the apparatus is correct for the installation 
A.8D,CInstallation is clearly labelledAll required labels, markings and rating plates are to be legible and comply with the requirements laid down in the document.
A.9D,CEnclosure, glass-to-metal sealing gaskets and/or compounds are satisfactoryUnlikely that this would need checking except for equipment for use in combustible dust.
A.10D,C,VCable glands and blanking elements are the correct type, complete and tight — physical and visual checkCable glands, adapters and blanking plugs shall maintain the degree of protection of the enclosure and shall be selected appropriate to maintain the enclosure protection integrity. They must be tight and can only be removed by tool.
A.11DThere are no unauthorised alternationsThe equipment and electrical circuits are to be checked to ensure that there have been no unauthorised alternations.
A.12C,VThere is no evidence of unauthorised modifications.As A.11, as far as practical in these inspection grades.
A.13D,C,VDiode Safety barrier, galvanic isolators, relays and other energy limiting devices are of the approved type, installed in accordance with the certification requirements and securely earthedVerify all installed components match the certification requirement and screens are earthed as shown in the circuit diagram.
A.14DConditions of enclosure gaskets is satisfactoryCheck for any visible damages to the gaskets
A.15DElectrical connections are tightConnections at the terminals of the are secured tight with appropriate ferrules
A.16DPrinted circuit boards are clean and undamagedDetecting modifications to printed circuit boards may present difficulties. Any discolouration or variation in the soldering quality or appearance should be noted and where possible compared with any reported changes or repairs.
A.17C,VThe maximum voltage Um of the associated apparatus is not exceeded 

Part B : Installation (IEC 60079-17 Table 2 cont.) #

IEC No.GradesCheck That:Explanatory Note
B.1DCables are installed in accordance with the documentationCheck that the correct cables installed. Check that the cores of multi-core cables are used as indicated in the documentation and cores shown as unused are in fact unused, and have not been used for unscheduled purposes.
B.2DCables screens are earthed in accordance with the documentationVerify cable screens are insulated and earthed as shown in the circuit diagram.
B.3D,C,VThere is no obvious damage to cablesCheck the cable outer sheath, and individual core as it comes out of the gland (D).
B.4D,C,VSealing of trunking, ducts, pipes and/or conduits is satisfactoryCheck to ensure conduit entry is sealed and no fitting is installed between sealing and enclosure
B.5DPoint-to-point connections are all correct (initial inspection only)Required test every loop prior to further testing or commissioning of the system
B.6DEarth continuity is satisfactory (connections, sufficient csa) for non-galvanically isolated circuitsConnections are tight, conductors are of sufficient cross section.
B.7DEarth connections maintain the integrity of the type of protectionNo corrosion at the Earth connection and cable is tightened adequately
B.8DIntrinsically safe circuit earthing is satisfactoryEarthing is present and as detailed in the documentation. The IS circuit is earthed at one point only or isolated from earth. The IS earth loop impedance and any earth rod impedances etc., are satisfactory
B.9DInsulation resistance is satisfactoryInsulation resistance for I.S apparatus and associated cabling shall be at least 1.0 MΩ unless specified otherwise in the documentation.
B.10DSeparation is maintained between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits in common distribution boxes or relay cubicles.It is important during initial inspections to check that the creepage and clearance distances between live parts of adjacent terminals are to specification. Segregation distances between I.S terminals and other terminals need to be met.
B.11DShort-circuit protection of the power supply is in accordance with the documentationVerify manufacturer or system documentation
B.12DSpecific conditions of use (if applicable) are complied withCheck ‘X’ certificates for conditions of use
B.13DCables not in use are correctly terminated.Unused cores are insulated from each other or terminated to unused insulated terminals
Note: Insulation Testing
The insulation resistance of cables is only measured during initial inspections, unless circumstances suggest loss of cable integrity. When any cable insulation tests are made, it Is essential to disconnect the cable from the intrinsically safe apparatus. Failure to do so may damage the electronic circuits. Unnecessary measurement of insulation resistance is liable to lead to failure of connected electronic components.

Part C : Environment (IEC 60079-17 Table 2 cont.) #

IEC No.GradesCheck That: 
C.1D,C,VEquipment to be adequately protected against corrosion, weather, vibration and any other adverse factors. 
C.2D,V,CNo undue accumulations of dust or dirt. Sources of any release in the vicinity should be noted.