Increased Safety (Ex e)

Increased Safety (Ex e) #

Increased Safety Ex e concept was invented in Germany. The letter ‘e’ comes from the German phrase ‘Erhohte Sicherheit’ which means ‘increased security’.

This method of protection has been widely used for many years and has a good safety record, comparable with the other methods of protection.

Typical applications are induction motors, lighting fittings and junction boxes.

increased safety ex e logo

Standards #

Current constructional standards 
IEC 60079-7: 2015 BS EN60079-7: 2007Equipment protection by increased safety “e”
Codes of Practice 
IEC 60079-14: 2013 BS EN60079-14: 2014Explosive atmospheres: Part 14 Electrical installations design, selection & erection
IEC 60079-17: 2013 BS EN60079-17: 2014Explosive atmospheres: Part 17 Electrical installation inspection and maintenance
Note: The requirements for the type of protection “nA” (Non-sparking) is covered in this standard as “ec”.

Definition #

‘A type of protection applied to electrical apparatus in which additional measures are taken to give increased security against the possibility of excessive temperatures, and of the occurrence of arcs and sparks in normal service or under specified fault conditions’.

Specified fault conditions include foreseeable abnormal operation such as motor overload or lamp failure.