Mechanical Strength

Table of Contents

Impact tests #

As well as having the degree of ingress protection called for in the various construction standards, enclosure for electrical equipment must pass an impact test.

In this test, a test weight of 1kg with an impact head of hardened steel, in the form of a 25mm hemisphere, is dropped onto the completely assembled equipment from a height ‘h’.

At the end of the test, there must not be enough damage to invalidate the type of protection, IP code etc.

The height ‘h’ in metres, is given in the standards and varies with the equipment Group and the risk of mechanical impact (high or low). The standard details the two levels of impact resistance appropriate to high and low risk of impact. If the equipment is only suitable for low impact, the certificate is suffixed ‘X’ to signify special conditions of use apply (See Unit 2).

Drop tests #

In addition to the impact test, portable (hand-held) electrical or electronic equipment must be subjected to a drop test, in which it is dropped at least four times on to a horizontal concrete surface from a height of one metre.

Again the acceptance criterion is that there is not enough damage to invalidate the type of protection, IP code etc.